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Poultry Show Central News, October Issue #27 October 05, 2014 |
Fall Show season is upon us! So much to look forward to this fall and I hope you are able to attend all the shows you have been hoping to attend. A lot of our birds are in the state of full molt so hopefully yours are fairing better! It sounds like the new shows have had great attendance and support so thank you for doing your part to reward the efforts of those who have taken initiative to plan a brand new show for the fancy. I wanted to give a quick heads up regarding our Featured Show - the 1st Annual All Bantam Fall Classic in Atoka, OK. This show is for bantam chicken and ducks only and would be a great one to visit if you're in the area. There are more brand new shows this fall and lots of established favorites so hopefully you'll have plenty of opportunities to show off your birds this fall.
New Shows & Swaps added to the website(Brand new, newly added and re-established events): *Cavalcade of Pigeons - Fresno, CA - November 1-2, 2014 *1st Annual All Bantam Fall Classic - Atoka, OK - November 8, 2014 (Not November 1 as originally planned, due to a scheduling conflict) *1st Annual Klein Poultry and Pigeon Extravaganza - Spring, TX - December 6, 2014
*1st Annnual Sooner Classic - Anniston, AL - December 6, 2014
*Friendship Poultry Club Winter Show - Morganton, NC - January 10, 2015 - Adding a winter show in addition to their established annual fall show *Rural King Swap Meet - Leesburg, FL - 1st Saturday of month If you'd like to give your show an extra publicity boost by becoming a Featured Show and have an ad on the State, Region and Month pages for just $10/month. You can learn more at our Show Secretary Services Page. Any comments, new information and especially any corrections are welcome! Your fellow fanciers, Kevin, Valerie and Kara Miller Email Us! |
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