Poultry Show Abbreviations
The first time you visit a poultry show, you may be baffled by all the abbreviations and terms that are used. What do they all mean? Study up on these commonly used ones so the next show you attend it will all make sense...
- LF - Large Fowl (A standard-sized chicken)
- B, BT, BTM - Bantam (A miniature chicken)
- WF - Waterfowl (Ducks & Geese)
- SF - Standard Fowl (A standard-sized chicken)
- APA - American Poultry Association
- ABA - American Bantam Association
- BB - Best of Breed
- BV - Best of Variety
- RB - Reserve of Breed (2nd place of Breed)
- RV - Reserve of Variety (2nd place of that feather coloring)
- C - Cock (Rooster older than 1 year old)
- K - Cockerel (Rooster younger than 1 year old)
- H - Hen (Female older than 1 year old)
- P - Pullet (Female younger than 1 year old)
- YT - Young Trio (2 Pullets and a Cockerel)
- OT - Old Trio (2 Hens and a Cock)
- AOV - Any Other Variety
- AOB - Any Other Breed
- SC - Single Comb
- RC - Rose Comb
- Med. - Mediterranean
- Cont. - Continental
- Amer. - American
- R.C.C.L. - Rose Comb Clean Legged
- S.C.C.L. - Single Comb Clean Legged
- A.O.C.C.L. - All Other Combs Clean Legged
- A.O.S.B. - All Other Standard Breeds
- Ch. - Champion
- Res. - Reserve (Runner Up)
- ASA - American Serama Association
- O.E.G. - Old English Game (a breed of chicken)
- O.E.G.B. - Old English Game Bantam (a breed of chicken)
- AGB - American Game Bantam (a breed of chicken)
- NN - Naked Neck (a breed of chicken)
- RIR - Rhode Island Red (a breed of chicken)
- Fav - Faverolles
- DQ - Disqualification
- Blk - Black
- Wht - White
- BB Red or BBR - Black Breasted Red
- BLRW - Blue Laced Red Wyandotte
- SLW - Silver-laced Wyandotte
- GLW - Golden-laced Wyandotte
- CW - Columbian Wyandotte
- BCM - Black Copper Maran
- SPL - Splash
- GDW - Golden Duck Wing
- SDW - Silver Duck Wing
- DT - Double Tufted (often Araucana)
- ST- Single Tufted (often Araucana)
- CF - Clean Faced (often Araucana)
- DIS - Dead in Shell
- SQ - Show Quality
- Orp - Orpington
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