Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

If you use the PSC website and have come to rely on the information we share, this is a fun way to show your support while getting some unique t-shirts to show your love of exhibition poultry. 

We have a growing number of designs that are either breed specific or especially appeal to the poultry fancier.  Enjoy my designs and please consider purchasing a coffee mug, t-shirt, or water bottle for your enjoyment while doing your part to keep the work of the maintenance of this website going strong for many years to come.  To see them in full-size and detail, visit our Fancyspeak shop.

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What's New Around Here?

  1. Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City

    Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
  2. WI - Bearded silkie chicks

    Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,
  3. NY - English Orpingtons Chicks and Fertile Eggs

    Chicks for pre-order; fertile eggs; sometimes roosters Local to Owego NY area Shipping available for fertile eggs The following English Orpington varieties:

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