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Breeders are the heart of Poultry Show Central. We wouldn't be here without you! Our free show-quality breeder directory listings are unique to anywhere on the internet and I hope you have taken advantage of this free service to the poultry hobby by now if you sell your birds.
As the breeder directory grows, so does the advantages of setting your listing apart with an affordable Featured Breed ad. We have several types of Featured Breeder ads:
- Featured Breeder on a specific breed page or the PSC Classifieds page (Ex: Ayam Cemani For Sale Page) - This is a great option for breeders with a specific breed they want to promote and there are a lot of listings and you want to set yours apart from the rest. We have up to 2 main Featured Breeder at the top of the page ($15/month or $150/year) and an unlimited number on the right-hand sidebar of the page ($7.50/month or $75/year). This can link to either an external website or your breeder directory listing.
- Featured Breeder Graphic ad on the top of or right-hand sidebar of the main Show-Quality Breeder Directory Page or the Chickens For Sale Page (two of our highest traffic pages on the website) - This is a great option for breeders with multiple breeds and you want a wide audience. Usually this links to a website which would give details on your various breed options - Top of the page listing - $25/month or $250/year (Shows at top on both desktop & mobile-Limited to two breeders/page), Sidebar ad - $15/month or $150/year (More visible on Desktop)
- Graphic ad in the PSC Newsletter - Withover 15,000 subscribers, the PSC Insider Newsletter is a great option for some extra clicks & exposure for your farm. $25/newsletter
- Sponsor Spotlight Article in the PSC Newsletter - Share in more detail what all you have to offer on your farm to 10,000+ newsletter subscribers. - $50/article
- Premium Ads that would broaden your exposure to the whole website are available on our Advertising Page such as our top-of-the page options that are on all 1300+ pages of the website!
- Gold Standard Breeder Directory - This directory is by application and is for breeders who have stood the test of time and have a proven track record of breeding to the Standard of Perfection based on reputation and show results. - $100-150/year
- Contact me and we'll chat about options
*Bundling Discounts Available for multiple ad placements
To help you visually see the options, see the screenshots below:
Chickens For Sale Page - $150/year:
(Approx. 55,000 pageviews/year)
Breeder Directory Page - $150/year:
(Approx. 45,000 pageviews/year)
Specific Breed for Sale Page
(two options)
Top of Listings Breeder - $150/year
Right-Hand Column- $75/year:
(pageviews vary depending on the breed - very targeted advertising to those actively looking for your breed)
PSC Insider Newsletter (two options)
$25/issue - Graphic Ad or
Ready to get started?
Our goal is to find the option that will fit your budget and give you the most bang for your buck:
What can we help you find? Search the website:
Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,
Chicks for pre-order; fertile eggs; sometimes roosters Local to Owego NY area Shipping available for fertile eggs The following English Orpington varieties: