Gregg L. Friedman MD Poultry Workshop
Gregg L. Friedman MD Poultry
2500 East Hallandale Beach Blvd, Suite 702
Hallandale Beach, FL, 33009
Every Saturday at 12 noon
For more information, contact:
Gregg L. Friedman MD
For current date and for other poultry events,
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How to Fill Out a Poultry Show Entry Form
A few simple precautions will go a long way in keeping your flock happy, healthy, and whole through the long cold months ahead.
This ancient breed dates back to the mid-1600s. Their distinctive downward curved bill gives them a Roman Nose appearance. The origin remains unknown to
- Feather Valley farm on Facebook Feather_Valley_Farm on Instagram NPIP can ship. Hatching eggs and chicks.
I am seeking out of print, breed club specific books: The Dutch Bantam 100 years of history. Nankin Bantam Older APA Standards books: 44th edition