Kingston District Poultry/Pet Stock Association Show
Odessa Ontario Fairgrounds 599 Wilton Rd Odessa, ON
For more information, contact:
Alex Wright
For current dates and a list of other Canadian poultry shows, CLICK HERE
Show Secretaries: Please send current catalog files to so it can be added to this page. PS Do not use this email to request a catalog. Are you aware of any corrections to this information? Our goal is up-to-date & accurate and we rely on your help! Please let us know!
Note: For most shows, judging starts at 9am on the first day. For 2-day shows, coop-out is usually by lunchtime on the 2nd day. Coop-in times vary. Are you Going to this Show?
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Never stop learning! Check out these helpful pages:
What are the essentials in housing your poultry in chicken coops to keep them healthy and safe?
6 Tips to Keep Your Chickens Safe from Predators
A few simple precautions will go a long way in keeping your flock happy, healthy, and whole through the long cold months ahead.
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Lemon Cuckoo Orpington eggs and SR chicks NOTE: I do not ship Chicks, local sales only. I always seem to have a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Rooster that