Northwoods Poultry Fanciers Club Show
Dairy Barn
Memorial Park
209 Mueller Street
Athens, WI 54411
*Note Location Change*
1 Day Double Show
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*Entry Deadline 9/3/24*
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Note: For most shows, judging starts at 9am on the first day. For 2-day shows, coop-out is usually by lunchtime on the 2nd day. Coop-in times vary.
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Learn all the secrets to success for every backyard chicken keeper, whether you've been keeping chickens for years or are just getting started.
Preparing your showbirds for a show and breeding requires a healthy feed ration.
This ancient breed dates back to the mid-1600s. Their distinctive downward curved bill gives them a Roman Nose appearance. The origin remains unknown to
- Feather Valley farm on Facebook Feather_Valley_Farm on Instagram NPIP can ship. Hatching eggs and chicks.
I am seeking out of print, breed club specific books: The Dutch Bantam 100 years of history. Nankin Bantam Older APA Standards books: 44th edition