How to Run a Well-organized Poultry Show
Whether you've been the show secretary of a show for years, want to start a new show in your area, or are just needing a reminder of why you need to thank the show secretary every show you attend, here is a wonderful compilation of the tasks that need to happen in order to successfully run a well-organized poultry show. All the credit goes to Dan Castle, the show secretary for the Connecticut Poultry Breeders show, for sharing his list with the poultry community.
1 Year in Advance:
- Coordinate
rental of grounds
6 Months in Advance:
inventory of current awards
- Order new Awards and arrange them at the show
and hand out postcards to advertise the NE shows
Show information on Website & with Poultry Show Central
- Request sanctioning paperwork from the APA and ABA
4 Months in Advance:
and submit Poultry Press Ad
- Call
local feed stores and Poultry Supply companies to ask for Raffle donations or
ad space in our show book
- Create/Update
Show Book & Entry Form
- Create
and send 8.5 x 11 flyers to disburse and hang
- Coordinate
Judges for show
3 Months in Advance:
Bill Wulff to show to take pictures and run advertising
- Call
around for donations ($$ and items for raffle)
- Hang
and disperse show flyers in local feed stores, 4-H Offices
- Contact 4-H offices (and Poultry Clubs) to announce the show and ask for help
- Send
pre-show email with showbook and entry
- Contact
local florists to ask for donations
- Send
Hard Mailing with showbook and entry
- Contact
vendors for shavings to be delivered for setup
- Contact
fairgrounds to discuss food options
- Advertise show and raffle on Facebook
Month of the show:
for raffle table: buy raffle tickets,
bags for tickets, etc.
- Accept
Entries via hard mail.
- Create coop
tags and entry report
- Create
Show Day posters
- Plan
show layout
- Print
show agenda cards and poster
- Collect
special donations $$$ from people
- Create
and stuff envelopes for awards
- Purchase
Table Covers
- Purchase
water cups for Bantams, Large Fowl, Waterfowl, Turkeys
Speaker System for announcements
- Bring
raffle tickets and bags;
- Set up raffle area
- Setup
Directional Signs by road(s)
- Setup
Cages, tables, etc.
- Bring
- Hang
Coop Tags
- Measure
and mark aisles, direct location of areas, number of cages in each area/row
- Bring
cage and row signs
- Hang (3)
Agenda in Hall, (18) Class Signs on Rows, (18) Champion Row, (1)
Showmanship/Presentation area
- Bring
backpack blowers
- Bring
Show Cups
- Set up
award area: Ribbons on cages and other
ribbons on a string, hanging
- Bring
tablecloths, flowers, etc.;
- Set up decorations
Day of the Show:
People in, give them an exhibitor list, show agenda and ask them to update
their contact information on the Contact List
- Take
pictures of show and Class Champions
- Run a
50/50 raffle and get tickets for use
- Accept
donations as they come in, place bags for tickets, sell tickets, run raffle
of items
- Run
Showmanship: schedule, announcements,
- Keep
notes on class winners and special prize winners
- Bring
Junior and Open Class Champions to Champion Row
- Keep
Track of judges and their schedule, bring them next classes to judge
- Check
for sick birds
- Judge
Junior Showmanship
- Decorate
Show Hall (Flowers, Tablecloths, Signs, etc)
- Judge
all birds according to APA and ABA standards
Post Show:
- Help
tear down cages and clean building
- Submit
Show Reports to APA, ABA and breed clubs
- Post
Results and Pictures to website and social media
For more detail, including who should be responsible for each of these tasks, download the pdf of Dan's original spreadsheet which goes into even more detail.
Thank your show secretaries and volunteer to help the months, weeks, and days before the show. The biggest reason shows shut down is for lack of volunteers to help so do your part with your local shows.
What can we help you find? Search the website:
Never stop learning! Check out these helpful pages:
Learn the basics with this beginner's guide to showing poultry.
A few simple precautions will go a long way in keeping your flock happy, healthy, and whole through the long cold months ahead.
There are many helpful products that we have found useful. Here are some of our favorites.
Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,
Chicks for pre-order; fertile eggs; sometimes roosters Local to Owego NY area Shipping available for fertile eggs The following English Orpington varieties: