Black, Buff, Blue, White, Chocolate, Lavender, Splash, Red, Cuckoo, & Golden Laced
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TX - Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons
Lemon Cuckoo Orpington eggs and SR chicks
NOTE: I do not ship Chicks, local sales only.
I always seem to have a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Rooster …
NY - English Orpingtons
We breed Laced varieties of English Orpingtons, near Ithaca NY & Binghamton NY. We ship eggs.
We sell eggs & grown Roosters locally.
Silver Laced- Roos …
LA - English Black Silver Laced Orpingtons
Large fowl, heavyset striking docile birds Email me at
I only ship eggs; I do not ship chicks
NC - Jubilee Orpingtons
Jubilee Orpington chicks available in February 2021
Tarboro, NC
Text (252) 373-8285
FL - English Orpingtons, D’uccles, American Seramas, Ameraucanas & More
Located In Spring Hill Fl. Local Pick-Up Only. Breeds Orpingtons:Frizzle & Standard English Black Mottled , English Chocolate Orpington, English Chocolate …
IL - Show Quality Orpingtons
Show quality black and blue Orpington’s for sale from NPIP flock. Winnings include Champion English classes and Super Grand Champion. These birds have …
WI - Lavender Orpington
Lavender Orpington hatching eggs and chicks. We raise a small number of family friendly chicken breeds. Our birds are allowed to free range daily. They …
FL - Black, Lavender, Molten, Silver Lace and Jubilee Orpingtons
Fairchild Minifarm have Black, Lavender, Molten, Silver Lace and Jubilee Orpingtons. All our poultry are NPIP certified.We will be shipping orders this …
CA - Silver Laced English Orpington - Feather Lover Farms ***Hatching & Shipping Chicks Weekly*** ORDER NOW!
Feather Lover Farms is one of the very few farms that are able to hatch & ship the rarest & highest quality chicken …
TX - Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons
Gorgeous and friendly "Blondes" our Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons are laying well and we have chicks available.
Email us at or call 254-715-6815. …
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Click below to see what they're looking for. Please contact them if you can help them find it!
Wanted: Buff Orpington Chicks
Call or text 262-945-8675 if you have buff Orpington chicks available.
Wanted: Buff orpington
We are looking for a show quality orpington hen. Hoping for buff but any would be wonderful! My daughters favorite fair chicken died last week :(
Our …
Wanted: Black Orpingtons to purchase
Starting a new flock of black orpingtons, would be interested in purchasing pullets, hens, cockerels or roosters. Please message me if any are available, …
Wanted: Chocolate Orpington, lavender Orpington and partridge Cochin chicks.
We are looking for lavender Orpington, chocolate Orpington, and partridge Cochin chicks. At least 6-8 of each. 606-541-3841
Wanted: Any Orpington hens - 6 months old
We are looking for any color orpingtons to join our 4 & 6 month old buff orpington hens. We are in the Raleigh, NC area and can pick them up. Would like …
Wanted: Looking for variety colors English Orpingtons
I have lavender, buff, blue, black, and splash. I am looking to add 5 or less of another color or variety of colors. Can only have pullets at the moment. …
Wanted: Blue, Black and Chocolate Orpington hens or chicks and a rooster of each color
I live in the Pacific NW north of Everett. I am looking for most everything Orpington. I want pullets or young hens in black, blue and chocolate. I …
Wanted: A young Jubilee Orpington rooster in Virginia
Looking for young jubilee Orpington rooster in Virginia.
(Please put "rooster" in the subject line)
Wanted: Giant English Buff Orpingtons
I'm looking for Giant English Buff Orpingtons for my back yard.
Wanted: Black show Orpington Rooster
My rooster got stuck out of the coop and died. I need a replacement ASAP
He was a juvenile.
Call me 303 449 4562
Wanted: Jubilee Orpington rooster
We are in search of a jubilee orpington rooster for our 4 ladies. Looking for one that is about 6 months old. We are located in central Virginia. We …
Wanted: Blue Orpingtons
I am looking for some blue and lavender Orpingtons. I am located in central Minnesota. Contact
Wanted: Show Ready Orpington Hen
Looking for show ready Orpington hen, willing to pay for a beauty. We are in central FL. Contact or call 863-838-4498
Wanted: English Chocolate, Jubilee or Partridge Orpington
I am looking for an English Orpington Pullet - can be chocolate, jubilee or partridge. I am in Houston, TX - willing to travel or pay for shipping …