Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024
Rogier Updated Gray Banner

Outdoor Animal Swap

8088 North Main St

Newark Valley, NY 13811


Free admission, free for vendors to set-up 

Held Monthly, March-October

Events are advertised on Craigslist

Farmers Market/ Animal Swap/ Craft Fair

For more information, contact:


For current date and for other NY swaps,


Are you aware of any corrections to this information? 

Our goal is up-to-date & accurate on Poultry Show Central and we rely on your help!

Please let us know!

What can we help you find? Search the website:

Never stop learning! Check out these helpful pages:

  • What does the week before the show look like?  What needs to be done to clean and groom your poultry to look their best for the judge?

    Washing Chickens

    What does the week before the show look like? What needs to be done to clean and groom your poultry to look their best for the judge?

  • While snakes don’t pose as much of a threat to adult chickens as a Coyote or Fox, they can still make a meal out of your chickens’ eggs.

    How To Stop Snakes From Stealing Your Chicken Eggs

    While snakes don’t pose as much of a threat to adult chickens as a Coyote or Fox, they can still make a meal out of your chickens’ eggs.

  • Coop training birds is an important part of getting birds ready for a show. It's a critical part of getting them to show their best when they are being judged.

    Coop Training your Show Chicken

    Coop training birds is an important part of getting birds ready for a show. It's a critical part of getting them to show their best when they are being judged.

What's New Around Here?

  1. SC - Breda Fowl-cuckoo, black, blue

    Located in woodruff, SC. I breed Breda fowl in three colors and have introduced an outcross of La Fleche to improve vigor and fertility. I sell eggs, chicks
  2. Lindsay Exhibition

    Information on the Lindsay Exhibition
  3. Lindsay Ag Society Fur & Feather, Seed & Plant Sale

    Information on the Lindsay Ag Society Fur & Feather, Seed & Plant Sale

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