This is your source for poultry that is available on a limited basis so get them while they are available!
If you have an extra cockerel or a few specific birds you want to sell, list it below! (Listings will automatically be deleted after 6 months or until you request it be removed)
Note: If you have birds available to sell on a regular basis, please instead create a long-term listing in our Show-Quality Breeder Directory.
Here is your place to list limited quantities of poultry you have available to sell. Be sure to include your contact information or the listing will not be added. Ads will automatically be removed after 6 months, but PLEASE let me know if the ad is no longer needed before then so we can remove it and keep all the ads current and relevant.
Take a look at what's available!
Central Indiana - male mute swan 2023 hatch $500
Gorgeous male mute swan. 2 years old (hatched spring 2023). Central Indiana. $500. Rick 317-502-2181.
OH - Pigeons and doves
Mindian fantails, fantails, archangels, magpie, english carriers, full headed swallows, german owls, modenas, parlor rollers, baldhead rollers, nuns, komornor …
PA - Peacocks
Peacocks, blue pairs and white male. 2+ yrs old. Barbara Spencer 814-571-4225 Live near State College, PA. email:
πβ¨π It's a Leghorn Party! πβ¨π
ππ It's a Leghorn Party! ππ We are thrilled to showcase our beloved White Leghorns βΊοΈ! As the smallest breed in our collection, they have won our hearts …
OK - 8 Pilgrim geese
2 ganders and 6 hens. 2 hens were hatched earlier this year.
300.00 for all.
PH: 405-410-4735
Ont - 2 Runner ducks, Drakes for sale .
I have 2 Drakes, Runner Ducks for sale. I live in the Elmvale, Waverley area.
I can be reached by cell, 705-527-3163 Diena Abel
One is a new …
CA - Wyandotte - Silver Pencil Hens - $45 Pullets $35
Southern CA - Silvery Pencil Wyandottes - Also have 3 BLUE Wyandotte hens $45 each. And a pair of Ameraucanas (Roo & Hen $75)
Having trouble loading …
NJ - Modern Game female - $50
She's 4 months old and almost 22 inches tall. Speckled gray. Energetic and smart bird.
If interested, reply to:
KS β Double Silver Laced Barnevelder Breeding Group
Available: Breeding group of Double Silver Laced Barnevelders. 2C/7H. NPIP & Located in Kansas. email or visit us on Facebook …
IN - Saxony Trio
I have a few Saxony Trio's that are available. Most of them are from this spring hatch. They are $65-$75 depending on quality. Please email …
MO - Trenton white racing pigeon breeding pair
A great breeding pair for $85. Mobile: 573-298-0607. Please leave a message
VA - Solid Silver Young Muscovy drakes
Sit'n Duck Farm has 3 Silver drakes, coming up on 11 and 12 weeks of age.
Local pickup or transport only.
NPIP/AI clean Goochland, VA …
CA - Black Ameraucana Cockerels 3.5-4.5 Months, True Ameraucanas!
I am a small breeder of lavender and black Ameraucana chickens (true) in Northern California. I had two batches from March and April that were mostly black …
IN - Silkie chicks, Muscovy ducks and bantam cornish
We have straight run silkie chicks and juveniles available
Chicks from a couple days to 4 weeks
Silkie chicks $10 each
Silkie chicks straight run 10 …
PA - Sebastopols hatched this spring.
Gentle blue eyed goslings All white.
610-216-7228 Eastern PA $100 ea.
MO - Brown Chinese Geese
We are selling out our flock of Brown Chinese geese (switching to a different breed). Healthy adult birds, geese and ganders. Prefer local-ish sales …
Porcelain Silkie chicks day old to grow outs. $12 - $50 each according to age. Breeder and show potential quality. Pick up or transport.
Fertile Hatching …
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