Record Keeping for your Breeder Flock
It's so important to keep good records as your breeding flock grows, but it's easy to get overwhelmed or just put off getting started to another day. The popular book and Netflix series, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up has been helping people all over the world rethink how to get and keep their home tidy. So in the spirit of Marie Kondo, I want to encourage you to experience the coop-changing magic of getting organized!
Good records are absolutely essential for managing your flock whether you have a small hobby flock or a major breeding and hatching operation. Hatching records, breeding pairs, show results, the list goes on and on! If you've been putting off keeping good records, help has arrived to get you moving on all your organizational goals (and let's be honest, if you haven't done it up to this point, will you ever get around to it?)
Save yourself the time & headache of creating them youself and gain access to all these files (in both .pdf & .doc) for just $9.99.
What kinds of records and organization are important and helpful for a
growing flock? I am offering the following bundle of
files to get you started:
- Hatching Record Chart
- It's important to keep records of your hatch rates and dates while
making notes about poor hatches so you can learn from your mistakes.
- Breeding Pair Records - You will want to know the hatch rate and type of specific breeding pairs. This is a simple chart to get you started.
- Flock Inventory Chart
- Keep records of the comings and goings in your flock. If you sell or
purchase a bird, this chart will keep record of either who sold you the
bird, or who you sold the bird to.
- Treatment Records
- Keep records of the illness, treatments and symptoms of your birds.
This is helpful in keeping track of what treatments did and did not help
and which birds are most commonly ill.
- Income and Expense Chart
- This may not be the most encouraging chart, but it is helpful in
knowing when you need to cut back on expenses and to help you determine
whether your breeding projects are just a hobby or if they've actually
become a business for you.
- Inventory and Price Chart
- With the price of feed going up, this chart will allow you to both
keep track of your current feed and supplies inventory while also
keeping track of the rising prices.
- Show Results Chart - Even if you think you'll never forget the glorious wins you've had at a show, over time it will be helpful to remind yourself which birds won and how they did.
- Coop Cleaning Records - When was the last time you cleaned that coop? The weeks pass quickly by. Having a chart handy will help you keep a more consistent schedule for the health of your birds and for an easier clean-out when you do the job.
- Egg Collection Chart - It's important to keep records of the eggs you collect so if there is a sudden drop, you can look into the cause. It's also interesting to see how many eggs you actually get compared to your monthly expenses which will help you know what to charge if you sell your eggs.
- Egg Turning Chart - If you're old-fashioned like us and have a big, old incubator that still needs the eggs hand-turned, this chart will help you remember to get those eggs turned. It may be helpful to laminate this one and use a dry erase marker and reuse it.
- Grooming Kit Checklist - You don't want to forget any supplies for your grooming kit when you head to the show so save yourself the rush as you're rushing out the door and keep this checklist handy and make sure you've got everything.
- Master Poultry Show List - I have a master list for vacations and since often our vacations are to shows, I have a master list that allows me to forget less as I'm juggling birds and rushing out the door, sometimes very early in the morning before a show.
- Medicine & Supplies Checklist - When your birds get sick, it's so helpful to have the supplies you need on hand. These are the supplies we have available in our coop's First Aid Kit.
- Poultry Show Abbreviations Pocket Guide - New to showing and get baffled by all the abbreviations? Print this pocket guide out and use it for easy reference.

Are you ready for some coop-changing magic? If you would like to have access to all these files, they are available for your use! The price is just $9.99 (for access to all of them). The .doc files will allow you to personalize each file to perfectly fit your needs since record keeping is certainly not the same from flock to flock. Get started on your record keeping journey today!
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Keep your chickens healthy with a nutritious balanced feed and plenty of water.
Can't figure out what's wrong with your flock? See if we can help!
Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,
Chicks for pre-order; fertile eggs; sometimes roosters Local to Owego NY area Shipping available for fertile eggs The following English Orpington varieties: