Southwest Iowa
Animal Swap
Fairgrounds 22984 Highway 6 Council Bluffs, IA
Two miles east of I-80 on Hwy 6 (Exit 8)
7am-5pm on Saturday, now a 1-day swap $5 admission at gate for buyers and
sellers Facebook Page Spring and Fall Swaps
For more information, contact: Ted Golka 402-657-3676
For current date and for other Iowa swaps, CLICK HERE
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Hatching eggs in an incubator successfully requires careful attention to the temperature, humidity of the incubator and the fertility of the hatching eggs too!
While snakes don’t pose as much of a threat to adult chickens as a Coyote or Fox, they can still make a meal out of your chickens’ eggs.
Have you ever wondered what is meant by a double poultry show?
This ancient breed dates back to the mid-1600s. Their distinctive downward curved bill gives them a Roman Nose appearance. The origin remains unknown to
- Feather Valley farm on Facebook Feather_Valley_Farm on Instagram NPIP can ship. Hatching eggs and chicks.
I am seeking out of print, breed club specific books: The Dutch Bantam 100 years of history. Nankin Bantam Older APA Standards books: 44th edition