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Central IN - Male Mute Swan 2023 hatch $500
Gorgeous male mute swan. 2 years old (hatched spring 2023). Central Indiana. Pinioned. Fed top quality Mazuri feed. $500. Rick 317-502-2181.
2-3yr mute swan cobbs
Looking to preferably trade 2-3 year old mute cobbs for pens but will also sell. Contact Jason at 319-327-3253 asking $700-$900
IN - Mute & Black Australian Swan
Mute & Black Australian swan unrelated pairs are available. They are pinioned, sexed and healthy. Pickup at farm or delivery is an option at additional …
WI - Mute swan cygnets
Pinioned 4 month old cygnets for sale. Pet qualty. Conditioned to be raised in covered coop at night, free range pond by day. Spoiled Silly, humanely and …
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Wanted: Pair of Swans in Central Florida
I am looking to acquire
a pair of Swans to put on a small chain of lakes in Central Florida. No Gators here.
I can be reached at …
Wanted: Female Mute Swan
Call or text: 740-359-3913