Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

How did you do?

  1. Can hens crow? (Yes, but only occasionally when they are very old.)
  2. Cochins are a _________ breed. (country of origin) (Chinese)
  3. Which Breed of duck is in the heavy class? (a. Muscovy b. Call c. Runner d. Cayuga) (Muscovy)
  4. What is the record for the number of yolks found in 1 egg? (9)
  5. An egg is strongest _________(a. At its ends, b. In the middle of it’s long sides, c.All the parts are the same.) (At it’s ends)
  6. The most eggs laid by 1 chicken in 1 day is ___ eggs. (7)
  7. Define Chalazae. ( Strands of albumen that hold the yolk in place)
  8. How much does a bantam weigh compared to it’s large counter-part? (1/5)
  9. True or False: An ornithologist is a person who studies birds. (True)
  10. What do birds eat to help grind up their food? (Grit)
  11. What are the 4 varieties of Naked necks? ( Red, Black, White,& Buff )
  12. Name 7 varieties of Sussex bantams. ( Speckled, Light, Red, Birchen, Buff, White, & Dark Brown )
  13. Houdans are named after Houdan, __________. (country) ( France )
  14. Sebrights are named after ____ _____ _________. (person) (Sir John Sebright )
  15. What does A.B.A. stand for? ( American Bantam Association )
  16. What does A.P.A. stand for? ( American Poultry Association )
  17. What is the function of the gizzard? ( Contains grit or stones and acts as the bird’s teeth by grinding up the food. )
  18. Name 1 rumpless breed of chicken. (Araucana)
  19. What does N.P.I.P. stand for? (National Poultry Improvement Plan )
  20. Which 2 diseases do most shows require a negative blood test result, prior to showing? ( Pullorum Typhoid, & Avian Influenza )

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What's New Around Here?

  1. IN - English Orpingtons - Hatching eggs and chicks

    Sutton Ridge Farm Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sutton.ridge.farm.2023 English Orpington hatching eggs BBS + Chocolate English
  2. Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City

    Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
  3. WI - Bearded silkie chicks

    Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,

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