How did you do?

- Can
hens crow? (Yes, but only
occasionally when they are very old.)
- Cochins
are a _________ breed. (country of origin) (Chinese)
- Which
Breed of duck is in the heavy class? (a. Muscovy
b. Call c. Runner d. Cayuga) (Muscovy)
- What
is the record for the number of yolks found in 1 egg? (9)
- An egg
is strongest _________(a. At
its ends, b. In the middle of it’s long sides, c.All the parts are the same.) (At it’s ends)
- The
most eggs laid by 1 chicken in 1 day is ___ eggs. (7)
- Define
Chalazae. ( Strands of albumen that
hold the yolk in place)
- How
much does a bantam weigh compared to it’s large counter-part? (1/5)
- True
or False: An ornithologist is a person who studies birds. (True)
- What
do birds eat to help grind up their food?
- What
are the 4 varieties of Naked necks? ( Red, Black, White,& Buff )
- Name 7
varieties of Sussex
bantams. ( Speckled, Light, Red,
Birchen, Buff, White, & Dark
Brown )
- Houdans
are named after Houdan, __________. (country) ( France
- Sebrights
are named after ____ _____ _________. (person) (Sir John Sebright )
- What
does A.B.A. stand for? ( American
Bantam Association )
- What
does A.P.A. stand for? ( American
Poultry Association )
- What
is the function of the gizzard? (
Contains grit or stones and acts as the bird’s teeth by grinding up the
food. )
- Name 1
rumpless breed of chicken.
- What
does N.P.I.P. stand for? (National
Poultry Improvement Plan )
- Which
2 diseases do most shows require a negative blood test result, prior to
showing? ( Pullorum Typhoid, &
Avian Influenza )
What can we help you find? Search the website:
Sutton Ridge Farm Check us out on Facebook: English Orpington hatching eggs BBS + Chocolate English
Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,