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Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Trivia Answers for December

1. Some scientists believe that the chicken is the closest living relative of the _________. ( Extinct animal ) (Tyrannosaurus Rex )

2. A Sebright’s tail should be held at a ____% angle. (45%)

3. True or False: When you bring an O.E.G. (Old English Game) or O.E.G.B. (Old English Game Bantam) male to a show, it must be dubbed. (Only roosters over 1 year - Cocks )

4. How many varieties of Belgian Bearded D’anver Bantams are in the American of Perfection 2010? (9)

5. Which breed was originally called “Red Faced Black Spanish?” (Minorcas)

6. Where is the sperm produced inside the testes? ( In the Semimiferous tubules )

7. For the first 48 hours Standard after your chicks hatch, give your chicks ____ hours of light, so they can find the feeders & waterers. (48)

8. In a fertile egg, the Embryo develops from the _______________ __________. (Germinal Disc)

9. What is the release of the mature yolk, from the Ovary into the Oviduct called? (Ovulation)

10. Where does the color of the yolk come from? (Xanthophylls – fat soluble pigments contained in the hen’s diet)

11. The ovary is made up of __________ - _________ (#s) yolks. (or ova) (13,000 – 14,000)

12. The 2 main parts of the female reproductive system are... a. cloaca & stomach, b. ovary & oviduct, or c. lungs and heart? (Ovary & Oviduct)

13. The male reproductive tract is made up of 2 _______, both of which are functional. (Testes)

14. True or False: The La-Gournay chicken is a robust, hardy, very rare, and very beautiful breed, from Asia. (False, it’s from France)

15. Grit... a. Makes strong eggshells, b. Nourishes the bird when it’s sick, c. Helps digest the food, or d. All of the above. (Helps digest the food)

16. Oyster shell... a. Makes strong eggshells, b. Nourishes the bird when it’s sick, c. Helps digests the food, or d. All of the above. (Makes strong eggshells)

17. What is the function of the vitelline membrane? (Keeping water out of the single cell of the ovary)

18. True or False: There are Lavender Orpingtons. (True)

19. True or False: There are Chocolate Sebrights. (True)

20. Are there Vanilla Sebrights? (No)

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