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July 2012 Answers

1. Q: What kind of comb do Ameraucanas have?

A: Pea comb

2. Q: What kind of comb to Black Australorps have?

A: Single comb

3. Q: What are 10 types of combs?

A: Single, Rose, Pea, V, Strawberry, Cushion, Walnut, Buttercup, Carnation, Silkie

4. Q: What class are Buff Orpingtons in?

A: English

5. Q: What class are Sebrights in?

A: RCCL (Rose Comb Clean-Legged)

6. Q: What class are Rhode Island Whites in?

A: American

7. Q: What class are Dorkings in?

A: English

8. Q: Which mites live in cracks and crevices and bother birds who are roosting?

A: Roost (or red) mites

9. Q: What are the seven parts of the wing?

A: Wing front, Wing shoulder, Wing bow, Wing bar, Primary flight feathers, Secondary Flight Feathers, Primary Coverts

10. Q: Name the varieties of Brahma?

A: Dark, Light, Buff, Black & White

11. Q: Do Faverolles, Orpingtons, Polish or Lakenvelders have 5 toes?

A: Faverolles

12. Q: What temperature should an incubator be at to hatch chicken peeps?
A: 99.5 degrees (but during lock-down, 98.5-99 degrees)

13. Q: What medication is used to treat coccidiosis?

A: Corid

14. Q: Do chicken have teeth?

A: Only when they have recently hatched and still have their egg tooth from breaking out of their shell.

15. Q: Do chickens sweat?

A: No, they pant to cool themselves off.

16. Q: When is the best time to vaccinate for Marek's Disease?

A: When chicks are one day old.

17. Q: What varieties of Chantecler are in the Standard?

A: Partridge, White

18. Q: What is the chicken's true stomach called?

A: The proventriculus

19. Q: What are the two types of game bird brooding?

A: Battery brooding and Floor brooding

20. Q: Which breed was once called an Indian Game Bird?


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