Trivia Answers
July 2014
- True or False: A Chicken can only have 4 toes. (False, some
breeds have 5)
- True or False: Brown eggs have different nutritional values
than other colored eggs. (False, the only difference is the shell color)
- If you breed a Silkie and a Leghorn Bantam, will the chicks
have walnut combs or single combs? (Most likely single combs because single
combs are dominant)
- What is an "Americana"? (A common misspelling of
- What are the feathers after the back, but before the tail
called on a Male Chicken? (Saddle)
- What are the feathers after the back, but before the tail
called on a Female Chicken? (Cushion)
- What is another name for a chicken's breastbone? (Keel)
- Do you always have to depopulate if your flock gets Avian
Influenza? (No, but if you have the severe form, you may need to)
- What is a Drake? (a Male Duck)
- What is a Tom? (a Male Turkey)
- What is a Gander? (A Male Goose)
- Which Duck Class are Runner Ducks in? (Light)
- Can Bantam Ducks Fly? (Yes, all currently standardized Bantam
Ducks, Calls, East Indies, Mallards, can fly)
- What is the usual incubation period for Ducks? Hint, some
breeds are different. (28 Days)
- What are the three standardized varieties of Guinea Fowl? (Pearl,
Lavender, and White)
- True or False: The two colors in Birchen are Brown and White.
(False, Black and White)
- Is Squirrel Tail Always a Disqualification? (No, on Japanese
Bantams and Serama Bantams it is not.)
- Are the three colors in the Porcelain variety, according to
the Standard, "light straw" (or Yellow), pale gray, and White? (No, it is "light straw
color and pale blue, tipped with white.")
- What are the three forms of feed? (crumbles, pellets, and
- Can Turkeys get Blackfoot? (yes)
What can we help you find? Search the website:
Sutton Ridge Farm Check us out on Facebook: English Orpington hatching eggs BBS + Chocolate English
Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,