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Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

How did you do?

1. Which breed of chicken has a crest, feathered shanks and toes, vulture hocks, a 5th toe, and a v-comb?

( Sultan )

2. What is the scientific name for the Red Jungle Fowl?

( Gallus Gallus )

3. A Showgirl chicken is a cross between a _________ and a _________. ( breeds of chickens)

( Silkie & Naked Neck )

4. Which 2 of these 5 breeds should have 6 points on its comb? (a. Leghorn b. Minorca c. Spanish d. Java e. Jersey giant )

( Minorca & Jersey Giant )

5. What is a common misspelling of Ameraucana?

( Americana )

6. True or False: Rhode Island Reds & Rhode Island Whites are the same breed.


7. What kind of comb do Rhode Island Reds have?

( R.C. Rhode island Reds have rose combs & S.C. Rhode Island Reds have single combs )

8. Which one of these breeds is not a True Bantam? (a. Sebright b. Japanese c. Sussex d. Silkie e. Dutch f. Rosecomb )

( Sussex )

9. What are the 3 varieties of Rosecomb Bantams are in the American Standard of Perfection?

( Black Blue & White )

10. What is a chicken’s breastbone called? ( Keel )

11. What does Dual Purpose mean?

( Can be used for Eggs & Meat )

12. Which one of these breeds is not in the Feather-Legged class? (a. Silkie b. Favorolle c. Barnevelder d. Brahma )

( Barnevelder )

13. Which Breed will not be penalized if it has multiple spurs, and actually is preferred to have multiple spurs?

( Sumatra)

14. What does O.E.G.B. stand for?

( Old English Game Bantam )

15. What are the 3 grades of exterior quality of an egg?

( A, B, & Dirty )

16. What is a chicken’s iris?

( The colored part of the eye around the pupil )

17. What is a snood? ( The Skin that hangs down over the turkey’s beak )

18. Can ducks get worms? ( Yes, occasionally )

19. When does a Old English Game male not need to be dubbed? ( When it is a cockerel )

20. True or False: Dutch bantams are Hen-feathered

( False )

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