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1.     Male Ducks are called _______. (Drakes)

2.     Female Ducks are called ______. (Ducks)

3.     Chickens are __________. (a. omnivores  b. carnivores  c. herbivores) (omnivores)

4.     The American Standard of Perfection used to be called the American Standard of ___________. (Excellence)

5.     Should Chickens eat chocolate? (no)

6.     Should Chickens eat mold? (no)

7.     For most Ducks, If it has a curl in its tail is it a Duck or Drake? (Drake)

8.     How Many Breaths do a hen take in a minute? (30-35)

9.     How Many Breaths do a rooster take in a minute? (18-20)

10.   How Many Times do a chicken's heart beat in a minute? (280-315)

11.   Are Chickens Reptiles, Birds, or Mammals? (Birds)

12.  Does Melanosis color a chicken's skin, bones, ligaments, and tendons Pink, Blue, Black, Yellow, or Green? (Black)

13. In what year was the first Poultry Exhibition held? (1849)

14.  In what month was the first Poultry Exhibition held? (November)

15.  In what country was the first Poultry Exhibition held? (the United States)

16.  How many exhibitors were showing at the first Poultry Exhibition held? (219)

17.   How many birds were showed at the first Poultry Exhibition held? (1,023)

18.    How many visitors were at the first Poultry Exhibition held? (over 10,000)

19.   The Chicken was once a Sacred Animal symbolizing the ____. (sun)

20.  True or False: Alektorophobia means "The Fear of Chickens" (True)

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