Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

How did you do?

  1. What are the Two main things that makes roosters crow? (Sudden Light & Sudden Noise)
  2. When a Broody Hen's cluck is High-pitched it means, "______!" (Food)
  3. When a Broody Hen's cluck is Low-pitched it means, "______!" (Come)
  4. Which has stronger legs, Chickens or Guinea Fowl? (Chickens)
  5. The record of how many eggs laid in 364 days by 1 chicken is ____ (# of Eggs) by an ___________ (Breed). (371, Leghorn)
  6. How many toes does a chicken have? (Usually 4, but some (like Favorelles), have 5)
  7. Is a Thumb Mark a Disqualification or Defect? (Defect)
  8. Brahmas used to be called, "____________." (Chittagongs)
  9. When Hatching in an Incubator, which usually hatches first, Bantams or Large Fowl? (Bantams)
  10. What is the cure for Marek's Disease? (There Isn't one!)
  11. True or False: Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas should have Dark Slate undercolor. (False. They should have Light Slate undercolor)
  12. Sumatras are the only Breed who can have multiple _____ without being Penalized. (Spurs.  Actually, multiple spurs are desired!)
  13. How many Feet should a chicken have? (2)
  14. What color should Earlobes be on a White Silkie? (Light Blue Turquoise)
  15. Is Porcelain a Variety? (Yes)
  16. What color should Lavender Guinea shanks and toes be? (Light Gray to Orange)
  17. Do turkeys have Beards? (Yes, but only Toms)
  18. In the 2010 American Standard of Perfection, who is the Sponsor for Brown Red Cochin Bantams? (Cochins International)
  19. Which are better at Flying, chickens or Guinea Fowl? (Guinea Fowl)
  20. Do Roosters crow only in the Morning? (NO, that's just an Old Wives' Tale. They Crow ALL THE TIME! )


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  2. Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City

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  3. WI - Bearded silkie chicks

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