How did you do?
- What are the Two main things that
makes roosters crow? (Sudden Light & Sudden Noise)
- When a Broody Hen's cluck is
High-pitched it means, "______!" (Food)
- When a Broody Hen's cluck is
Low-pitched it means, "______!" (Come)
- Which has stronger legs, Chickens or
Guinea Fowl? (Chickens)
- The record of how many eggs laid in 364 days by 1 chicken is ____ (# of Eggs) by an ___________ (Breed). (371, Leghorn)
- How many toes does a chicken have?
(Usually 4, but some (like Favorelles), have 5)
- Is a Thumb Mark a Disqualification or
Defect? (Defect)
- Brahmas used to be called,
"____________." (Chittagongs)
- When Hatching in an Incubator, which
usually hatches first, Bantams or Large Fowl? (Bantams)
- What
is the cure for Marek's Disease? (There Isn't one!)
- True
or False: Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas should have Dark Slate undercolor. (False.
They should have Light Slate undercolor)
- Sumatras
are the only Breed who can have multiple _____ without being Penalized.
(Spurs. Actually, multiple spurs are
- How
many Feet should a chicken have? (2)
- What
color should Earlobes be on a White Silkie? (Light Blue Turquoise)
- Is
Porcelain a Variety? (Yes)
- What
color should Lavender Guinea shanks and toes be? (Light Gray to Orange)
- Do
turkeys have Beards? (Yes, but only Toms)
- In
the 2010 American Standard of Perfection, who is the Sponsor for Brown Red
Cochin Bantams? (Cochins International)
- Which
are better at Flying, chickens or Guinea Fowl? (Guinea Fowl)
- Do
Roosters crow only in the Morning? (NO, that's just an Old Wives' Tale. They
What can we help you find? Search the website:
Sutton Ridge Farm Check us out on Facebook: English Orpington hatching eggs BBS + Chocolate English
Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,