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1.     True or False: Clostridium botulinum is the scientific name for Botulism (or limber neck). (True)

2.     True or False: White Leghorn Bantams should hold their tails at a 45 degree angle. (False, 35 degrees)

3.     True or False: Pasteurella usually occurs in chickens under 16 weeks of age. (False, over 16 weeks)

4.     True or False: Wyandottes should have spiked rose combs. (False, they should have non-spiked rose combs)

5.     A Dutch Bantam pullet should be _______ ___.   A. 18 lb.   B. 1.8 oz.   C. 18 oz.   D. 1.8 lb.   (C.)

6.     Coccidiosis can be treated by _________.    A. Tylan 50   B. Corid   C. Wominator   D. no treatment   (B.)

7.     Bordetella is also called ________ Coryza. (type of poultry) (Turkey)

8.     Acute Fowl Cholera is most commonly found in __________, __________, __________, and ___________.   A. Chickens, Ducks, Geese, and Pigeons   B. Chickens, Ducks, Turkeys, and Seabirds   C. Ducks, Geese, Pheasants, and Turkeys   D. Chickens, Ducks, Geese, and Turkeys   (D.)

9.     Is one of the symptoms of Acute Fowl Cholera extreme hunger? (No, loss of appetite and extreme thirst)

10.  Does Fowl Pox effect only adult birds? (No, all ages)

11. Do Araucanas always have ear tufts? (No)

12.  How many toes does a chicken usually have? (4)

13. How many toes do some chickens (Faverolles or Silkies) have? (5)

14.  Fowl Cholera is also known as ______ Cholera. (Avian)

15.  The ring of color around the pupil of the eye is called the _____. (Iris)

16.   True or False:  You may use Frontline for Dogs and Cats on your chickens. (True,  just only use a tiny bit below the vent)

17. A golden colored chicken is called _____. (Buff)

18. Sebrights originated in ______.   A. England   B. Italy   C. United States   D. Antarctica (A.)

19.  Should chickens eat chocolate? (No)

20. Can East Indie Ducks fly? (Yes)

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