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Baby oil

Do not get baby oil in your bird's eyes! It can seriously hurt their eyesight. I learned the hard way. Ralph Sheriff (judge) noticed my bird's eyes were swollen from using it. He said never use it around the eyes. It took my bird two months to heal from it so just be very careful.

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Jul 03, 2013
Careful with petro jelly near eyes!
by: Lianimals

Hi, just following this string and wanted to comment again. Please be careful with the use of petroleul jelly around animals' eyes. I would again stress that mineral oil or an edible oil (grapeseed is a nice heavy oil) is a much better alternative for use around mucous membranes.

Jul 03, 2013
Petroleum jelly works great!
by: Anonymous

Hi all,
We don't do a lot of large shows, just county fairs, however I have found that petroleum jelly on legs, beaks, combs, and wattles works really well. Just a dab is very easy to control and I've never had any problems. I am careful to avoid eyes and don't get it on the feathers as you'll have a very goopy mess. I also use just a few drops of glycerin (10 drops to 5 gallons of water) in their final rinse water to replenish natural oils. Seems to work great on standard hens and silkies. Just don't use too much - err on the side of caution.

Apr 10, 2013
Alternative to "baby oil"
by: Lianimals Ranch

Hi, folks: happened upon this page as I was trying to find information on showing chickens in California. Thanks for these stories and articles. Very informative!! One comment I had about baby oil and the use of that product on animals. Actual "baby oil" products marketed as such (including baby wipes) usually have artificial scents, coloring, and other ingredients to improve softening agents and the like. Remember, do not use ANY product that have scent additives or any other ingredient you can't readily identify. As an alternative to baby oil, I think you would get the same effects and then some by using either grapeseed oil or olive oil. I suppose on a white bird, there may be a chance for slight staining but I'm not even sure that would be an issue. Anyway, just a suggestion!

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