Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

CA - Black Ameraucana Cockerels 3.5-4.5 Months, True Ameraucanas!

by Deby (IrieDeby)
(Stockton, CA San Joaquin County)

I am a small breeder of lavender and black Ameraucana chickens (true) in Northern California. I had two batches from March and April that were mostly black Ameraucana chicks, and now cockerels, soon to be roos. I have two very large boys that have very long legs, and two small to medium (regular sized) boys that will turn out beauties! They are moulting a bit now, but you can still see their colors (mostly green and purple). They were handraised, as I hatch only 6-12 chicks at a time, yet they have reached their teenage years and become a little wild. It won't take much to get them back to their kind, sweet selves! I am asking only $25 for each of these boys. If you are interested, please contact me at (209) 607-4717. As they are changing daily, I don't want to post photos that will be old in a week. If you are interested, I can always text you current photos. Thank you!

Comments for CA - Black Ameraucana Cockerels 3.5-4.5 Months, True Ameraucanas!

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Dec 24, 2024
Interested in one Black Ameraucana Cockerel
by: Brenda C.

I live in Cottonwood, CA (near Red Bluff). I'm interested in one of the Black Ameraucana cockerels. Do you ever head my way? I'd be willing to meet you halfway. I live about 3 hours away from Stockton. If you never make it down this way, can you refer me to another breeder of the black (that came from an egg of good blue color) closer to where I live? Thank you for your time. Have a wonderful holiday and new year. Truly, Brenda

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