Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Chicken Dryer

by Chad

I clean my Birds up similar to everyone else. I have a hard time getting my Birds to dry out. So, last year I built a chicken dryer. Yes a Chicken Dryer. I built a 5 Stall Dryer, with a perch pole to place the chickens on. Inside the Dryer I keep it 85. Just like a incubator, I used a wafer thermostat and a heating element. The Birds are kept in the dark until dried. Then I unplug the dryer and let it cool down ( this way the Birds are not shocked from warm to cold ). Then it is out to the pen where clean shavings are awaiting my Birds. Let me know what you think.

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Pictures, please!
by: Mary Hussey

I have a similar set-up with my biggest carriers, but no roost. Can we get a pic of this set-up, please?

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