Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Chicken Shampoo

by Jillian

I love to use Messy Mildred chicken shampoo instead of dish soap. I don’t wash my hair with bar soap even though that would clean it. This shampoo is specifically for chickens and while it is more expensive than dish soap, it smells great and gets them nice and shiny. I like to throw in an egg bomb to let their legs soak as well but it’s just an extra step.

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by: Jillian

I wouldn’t know how it does on white chickens as ours are completely black but I would put a drop or two of blueing liquid in the wash water to get rid of the yellow. Worked like a charm on my goats and I’ve seen it used with chickens on YouTube.

by: Veronica

How does it perform removing staining on white feathered chickens?

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