Drying Birds After Bath
We place our birds on a table with old towels (ones we can throw away, you could use paper towels too) and we place them in front of a heater fan on low. It is like a blow dryer but very stable and gives a wider drying area. Our chickens love it, they sit in front of the fan and preen themselves.
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Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,
Chicks for pre-order; fertile eggs; sometimes roosters Local to Owego NY area Shipping available for fertile eggs The following English Orpington varieties:
Preferably pairs, otherwise looking for mostly males, maybe a hen or two. I live in Central Wisconsin, and only breed Wests. Ive greatly sized down for