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Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Feed Year Round

by Lainey
(Vail, AZ, USA)

I am a 4h'r and I have been in 4h four 2 years in Pima County and shown and auctioned in the 2016 fair! This year I am hoping to win! Anyways I have a flock of 13 birds and growing! We feed our birds Purina Layer Crumble so they lay a lot in the year! But my 4 h leader gives suggestions before fair like a month before fair to feed them Turkey Grower. I did try it and ended up using it before fairs now! It fattens them up so they look Bright and Healthy! Wish Me luck!

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Mar 18, 2017
Great Tip! NEW
by: CAE

Thank you Lainey for sharing with us! I've an old(er) 4-H project supervisor and when my kids were in 4-H we used all kinds of tips and extras to keep our birds in top condition. I really like your tip because it's simple, easy and effective. Wishing you continued success with your chickens!

Mar 17, 2017
Great idea - thanks for sharing! NEW
by: Cindy

Thanks Lainey for sharing your tip! I'm an 'old' project supervisor for the 4-H poultry project and had all kinds of tips and my kids did well all their years in participation. I really like your tip because it is simple, easy and effective!

Mar 17, 2017
Great idea - thanks for sharing! NEW
by: Cindy

Thanks Lainey for sharing your tip! I'm an 'old' project supervisor for the 4-H poultry project and had all kinds of tips and my kids did well all their years in participation. I really like your tip because it is simple, easy and effective!

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