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Helping out stuck chicks

by J. Reynolds
(Reno, NV.)

I've had plenty of experience helping out stuck chicks. The main concern is being patient and not helping them too soon. There are blood vessels that may still be attached to the chick and the shell. If you pull on the shell, thinking you are helping the chick, it could bleed to death. Remember, as the chick is hatching, it will absorb its yolk. This gives it a three day supply of nourishment. So, give it time to get out of the shell before you start pulling. I only help them if they happen to be dried out and stuck to the shell for at least the first 12 hours. Usually at this time, all the blood vessels have separated from the chick. It's still very hard to be patient. I've tried helping them out earlier and learned that it only does more harm than good.

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May 14, 2014
by: Anonymous

First time using an incubator. Had a chick break through the shell yesterday at this time 2pm. Still not hatched, it has now been 24 hrs. There is still some movement and peeping on occasion. It did break through the shell on day 19, should I try to help it. Of course I've never done that before either. Advise would be appreciated.

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