Idaho- Ayam Cemani-Show Quality Chicks and Hatching Eggs NPIP/APA
by Sheppard Ranch
(Coeur d'Alene Idaho)
The Sheppard Ranch specializes in high quality rare to ultra rare breeds. We are APA members and an NPIP Certified farm inspected by the state of Idaho, our birds are tested for Avian Influenza as well as Salmonella Pullorum/Typhoid. We have spent thousands of dollars on our Ayam Cemani flock purchasing birds directly from Greenfire Farms and have customers win Championship ribbons with them. We sell both chicks and fertile hatching eggs. Please visit our website for the most up to date pricing and to place orders.
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Hatching eggs in an incubator successfully requires careful attention to the temperature, humidity of the incubator and the fertility of the hatching eggs too!
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Lemon Cuckoo Orpington eggs and SR chicks NOTE: I do not ship Chicks, local sales only. I always seem to have a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Rooster that