KY - Brahma bantams in Black and Buff, Black Large Fowl Brahmas
by Sandy Kavanaugh
(Richmond, KY 40475)
Black Brahma bantam Cockerel
Hens' Haven
Black and Buff Brahma bantams and Black Large Fowl Brahmas
Hatching eggs shipped, but no birds.
Adults may be delivered to shows I attend, or driving arrangements made within reasonable limits of Richmond, Kentucky.
We've been breeding the Majestic Ones since 1997, and the Black Brahma bantams since 2007!
859-893-1318 (text, or leave voice mail, please)
216 Meadowbrook Road
Richmond, KY. 40475
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Gorgeous male mute swan. 2 years old (hatched spring 2023). Central Indiana. $500. Rick 317-502-2181.
Gorgeous male mute swan. 2 years old (hatched spring 2023). Central Indiana. Pinioned. Fed top quality Mazuri feed. $500. Rick 317-502-2181.
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