Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

MO- Ayam Cemani for sale, Indonesian type not euro production type.

by Tina
(Archie, MO U.S.)

Breeding for Indonesian game bird type body and feathers, not the production type bird you see so often here in the US. Most hatcheries breed the crossed production type that has smoother feathers, wider body build that stands low, and looks like a Svart Hona. We breed harder feathers, Gamebird body type that stand up taller. This more gamebird body / choppy feathers is closer to the original Indo birds and is what we are trying to get approved as the standard by APA. Look up actual Indonesian birds online and see the difference for yourself. We are only offering a few eggs and chicks in between our own hatches. We welcome you to get some of these nice quality chicks to raise up and join us in creating the best Cemani we can. Our chicks are $75 each this year only, they are usually more but I’m working on the flock this year so will have more chicks than usual available. Shipping chicks express USPS is $70. Minimum order of chicks is 5. We are near Archie, MO.
Our breeding stock are fibro tested and top quality birds.
I only send good quality chicks. You will not receive white toes or sub-par looking chicks. Please read our site for info on our breeding program: http://www.jordanfamilyfarms.com

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Mar 17, 2023
by: Ron Jones

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