NC - Mille Fleur, Golden Neck, Blue Mille Fleur, Frizzle and Smooth Belgian d'Uccle Bantam Hatching Eggs (Frizzle and Smooth)
by Heidi
(Raleigh, NC USA)
We breed to the Belgian d'Uccle SOP at Green Grables, concentrating on breed conformation, health, and personality. We also have a breeding program to increase the quality of frizzle d'Uccles to more closely approach the standard d'Uccle SOP. We raise Mille Fleur, Golden Neck, and Blue Mille Fleur varieties. We sell from frizzle pens (frizzle and smooth), and on occasion from our show Mille Fleur pens.
We ship hatching eggs from Raleigh, NC. We do occasionally have birds for sale, but we do not always ship. Local pickup in North Raleigh is always available. NPIP certified, clean, healthy closed farm. Our birds are raised on fermented food, kelp, fresh veggies, probiotics, vitamins, chipped oyster shell, supervised free range, and lots of handling to keep them hearty and happy. We work hard to keep our flock in peak condition - because healthy parents hatch healthy babies!
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Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,