NY - Old. Eng. Game Bantams
(MADRID N.Y.---U.S.)
I raise White, Blue Wheaten, Black, Wheaten, and Splash Old English. --Top Bloodlines-- Will show at Bath ,N.Y., Waddington,N.Y. Cobbleshill, N.Y. and Syracuse, N.Y. I have citation of excellence for the blacks and whites, - good type and good bodies, call 1-315-322-8993.
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Gorgeous male mute swan. 2 years old (hatched spring 2023). Central Indiana. $500. Rick 317-502-2181.
Gorgeous male mute swan. 2 years old (hatched spring 2023). Central Indiana. Pinioned. Fed top quality Mazuri feed. $500. Rick 317-502-2181.
Information on the Mid FL Poultry Association SEYF Poultry Benefit Show