Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Study on all parts of poultry. Including Waterfowl, Sicknesses, Your birds, and chickens.

by Angel and Ciara Schlenz
(Spring Valley Illinois U.S.)

The first time I did showmanship, everyone told me to study the Standard Of Perfection which I did and I paid little attention to my own birds quality, defects, and Disqualifications. This was what was mainly asked by the judge. Since then, I have worked on learning all types of poultry questions. I also learned about piegons and ducks and geese and quail along with chickens. I studied not on DQs and defects but also the standard and sicknesses. This helped me greatly. Also, if your not one hundred percent sure on a question feel free to give more than one answer per question. The judge may deduct you on points or if one of your answers is correct give you full points. You also don't have to just use the internet and the Standard Of Perfection to learn your birds standard. You can ask other people in poultry and I have found that this helps me learn better, even talking to a judge helps. When you are picking a showmanship bird, I like to pick one free of defects or DQs and a flighty breed to show you worked with it more to tame it. I also like to pick birds that match the SOP (Standard Of Perfection) this helps show that you have the ablilty to pick out nice birds. When the judge is asking you questions, make eye contact and stay calm and confident. Say as much as you can to one question. I hope this helps but remember, have fun doing showmanship!

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