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TN - Belgian Bearded d'Anvers - Quail, Blue Quail, Black, Self Blue and White

by Kristen
(Cookeville, TN, USA)

Breeding show quality Belgian Bearded d'Anvers in Black, Quail, Blue Quail, Self Blue and White. My lines are selected with a special focus on quality bodies, skeletal structure (including wide skulls), good fleshing, relatively good productivity and friendly temperaments. My focus on body quality ensures only the healthiest birds are bred (since good carcasses do not exist on weak or inefficient birds). My focus on temperament ensures birds that are easy to handle and tame and train. The breed is known for friendliness, but some of my females are exceptional in this quality. I also prioritize showing my birds, but I have noticed a distinct need for the particular qualities in my stock. Many strains have birds with long, lean and/or horizontal bodies that do not feel cobby in the hand like the standard calls for, and mine is the perfect solution to mitigate this. If you want excellent health and vigor, great pets or show birds with the proper body shape and fleshing, then you may wish to consider my lines.

My flock is NPIP and AI clean and I am participant #63-748. I have seasonal availability on hatching eggs, started birds and adults. Please call, text or email to enquire about availability. Belgian Bearded d'Anvers and Watermaals are seasonal breeders, meaning hatching eggs are typically only available in the spring (starting in March) through summer (ending in July/August) with some limited availability in the fall. I can ship eggs to any of the lower 48 states. I only hatch once a year so started birds are available generally in September, when the weather is cool enough to ship. Adults are also often available in the fall and/or spring and I also ship started birds and adults during spring and fall months when the weather is favorable to the otherwise harsh conditions of shipment. I do not generally sell chicks, except for local pick up only in March or April when I end up hatching more than I can handle for myself(hatches go better than expected).

I also now breed Belgian Watermaal (a tasseled variety of Belgian Bearded bantam - similar in many respects to d'Anvers but smaller, with a triple spiked rose comb, a more graceful contour, a narrower tail in the females and a tassel). I raise them in Quail and Blue Quail. This is a fairly rare breed and was only recently taken off the inactive list in the ABA. Please visit my website for more information of them and more information on my Belgian d'Anvers:

Kristen Garrison
Breezy Bantam Farm
Sparta, TN

Comments for TN - Belgian Bearded d'Anvers - Quail, Blue Quail, Black, Self Blue and White

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May 21, 2024
Order of Belgian Bearded d’ Anvers in Quail NEW
by: Jackie

Easy " breezy" to talk to Kristen,
so happy I made contact.
I look forward to get my crew of dream chicks
in June!
Thank you

Jan 04, 2024
2024 Update NEW
by: Breezy Bantam Farm (Kristen Garrison)

Just letting everybody know we are still breeding d'Anvers and Watermaal for 2024. The variety list is growing for d'Anvers. For 2024 we will be offering black, blue quail, quail, and white d'Anvers. Limited quantities of self blue, blue, and splash d'Anvers will also be available.

We are also still breeding quail and blue quail Watermaal (resembles a d'Anvers but has a tassel).

New varieties that we have acquired but might not be ready until 2025 are: black breasted red, and silver quail.

Shipping chicks has been a success and I am happy to report I will be doing this again in 2024!

Finally, I have a new website:

Hope to hear from you!

Feb 20, 2021
Looking for D’anvers NEW
by: Anonymous

Hit there. My name is Myra and I am looking for D’anvers. I am in Northern California. I can’t seem to find any breeders this way although I know there must be some. Not sure if you’re still shipping out or not or what you have available right now but just thought I would inquire. Looking to get adults rather than chicks or young adults would work too.

Thank you.

Myra K Lowder

Aug 05, 2020
2020 Update NEW
by: Anonymous

Cost of shipping has just about doubled ($100-140 range) due to a price hike by the USPS. This mostly targets the Traditional 21"Lx8"Wx16"H boxes used to ship adult pairs or trios. I have found a way to circumvent this by shipping from a 12"x12"x12" box but I can only ship adult pairs or trios that are less than 3 months old.

COVID this spring caused significant delay in the shipment of hatching eggs resulting in financial loss on my end. Conditions have improved for shipping but my flock is mostly done with laying until fall as they busily raise chicks .

I have currently started over with my self blue population and I do not have Self blues puppy available. My whites have been all but eliminated . Those whites that I do hatch commonly have a little bit of red in the male sex feathers on the back.

I may have a couple Pairs or trios of black and quail d’Anvers started in the fall. I also will likely have a blue quail cockerel or two. Prices are generally $25 a bird. Shipping and handling with the smaller boxes will be around $50. Drop me a line if any of this interests you.

May 2021 have better things in store !

Mar 21, 2019
2019 Update for Breezy Bantam Farm
by: Kristen Garrison

I wanted to answer a few FAQs on here to save everybody some time. I am not notified when people post questions here, so please direct questions to my email:
1. What do I sell? I sell hatching eggs in the spring and started adults in the fall. All birds I sell will meet standard requirements for the show room unless specifically labelled "pet quality". Sorry, I do not sell chicks

2. Can I buy chicks? Generally no. I will sometimes make exceptions for people who can pick up small quantities locally.

3. Do I ship? Yes. I can ship to most states in the United States. I ship USPS Express and it generally runs $70-80

4. Do you show? Not as much as I used to, but when I am able, yes. People who buy from me do show and frequently do well.

5. Are my birds NPIP approved? Yes, I have my birds tested for diseases regularly to adhere to NPIP regulations.

6. Why are my chickens and eggs only seasonal in availability? The short answer is because I hatch and rear with the normal cycles of the chickens. They lay the most and the best quality hatching eggs in the spring, when fertility and hatchability is up. So I sell hatching eggs in the spring. I sell started birds in the fall, after the weather has cooled to make shipment possible. Summers are too hot to ship birds and winters are too cold. I usually sell out in the fall and have nothing left to offer in the spring, so if you want to buy birds from me, expect to be put on a waiting list unless you hit the timing just right.

7. What varieties do I have available? For 2019 only Black, Quail and Blue Quails will likely be available. I will likely NOT have any Self Blues or Whites.

8. Do you have a website? Yes, I am revamping my website for 2019.

Aug 29, 2018
Ship hatching eggs? NEW


I would like to purchase hatching eggs.

Do you ship them, and what is the price?


Aug 28, 2017
seeking birds for sale NEW
by: Larry

First of all---Do you ship? If so, I would like to find some good quality birds to get a start of my own. the blacks and blues would be the first choice. Thanks

Aug 02, 2017
2017 Updates and answers to FAQ NEW
by: Kristen Ramsdell

I no longer raise Blue d'Anvers. I presently have Quail, Blue Quail, Black, Self Blue and White d'Anvers.

My flock is NPIP approved.

I sell hatching eggs, started birds and adults as available. I can ship all of the above.

Priorities in my breeding flock are as follows: health, type, productivity, temperament, color - in that order. My birds have a reputation for females being very friendly, males being more gentle than typical for the breed.

If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Jan 13, 2016
can you ship hatching eggs?
by: Anonymous

I was wondering if you could ship fertile hatching eggs to CA. and if so, how much would it cost? thank you

Sep 24, 2015
Kristen has wonderful birds
by: Jill Bell

I bought two young hens from Kristen and they are a delight to have around. One of them I can hold upside down in one hand and tickle her belly! They are gentle and curious, love love love dried mealworms.

Kristen, you are the best!!!!!!

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