by Kathryn D.
(Knoxville, Tennessee, U.S.A.)
"Please tell me everything you know about your bird!"
This was the first question I was asked after moving out of the novice showmanship division.
How did I answer? Well, it sounded a little like this:
"This is Buddy, he is a black cochin bantam rooster."
Then, the judge moved on to the girl next to me and asked her the same question. She began a well rehearsed, close to five minute speech containing everything about her bird, its breed, and its class. I was stunned. I knew all of the information she mentioned, but I had no idea what the judge wanted when she asked for everything about my bird.
So, what can you do to avoid being in my position? I put together a handy template, and, of course, you can add to it any specific information about your bird such as specific health conditions.
Here it is:
"Hello! This is (bird name), he/she is a (variety) (breed) (sex).
He/She is in the (class) class, along with (name at least several other breeds in the class).
(Brief history of your bird's breed)
They are mainly bred for (meat, eggs, exhibition, etc.).
(State standard weights for each age and sex)
The American Poultry Association recognizes the varieties of (list as many recognized varieties as you know).
(If a bantam) The American Bantam Association recognizes the varieties of (list as many recognized varieties as you know)."
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