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TX - Pine Heaven Gamebirds - quails and pheasants

by Tatyana Hellinger
(Houston, TX)

Selling eggs, juveniles and breeding stock. Taking custom orders for hatching chicks of a particular breed, 50% downpayment. Contact through www.pineheavengamebirds.com, call 713 410 47 97
Quail breeds: mountain, mex speckled, snowflake, georgia giant bobwhite, celadon coturnix, gamble, valley,blue scaled.
Pheasants: ring neck, melanistic.

Comments for TX - Pine Heaven Gamebirds - quails and pheasants

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Aug 04, 2023
Quail Eggs
by: Ed Rogers

Tatyana: Thank you for your help and all your great advice. Had a fantastic hatch, and will use your company again. You guys are a five star business.

Thank you, Ed Rogers

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