VT - Cochin Bantams - Black and Whites
by Dog River Bantams
(Northfield, VT)
Started and adult birds available. Delivery to shows or shipping. Best to email Mark or Lisa and leave a message on what you're looking for. mppoultry13@gmail.com or our phone number is 802-309-1370.
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Our primary focus is Breda fowl, a docile and intelligent heritage Dutch breed. Breda fowl possess many unique traits, including being the only chicken
The breeding season for 2025 will be different this year. Due to my relocation, I am limited in the number of birds I can have. However, I am now offering
Ameraucana, Buff Orpington, Rhode Island Red, Black Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rock - chick to adult contact@coopscountrycove.com 931-871-9040 coopscountrycove.co