WA - Bielefelders
by Racie and Ethan McKee
(Brewster, WA, USA)
Bielefelder hens
Bielefelder rooster
Bielefelder chicks - autosexing
Bielefelder eggs
Bielefelder hatching eggs, chicks, and sometimes juveniles and roosters. We select of breeders based on the German SOP. Bielefelders are a large breed fowl with hens 8 - 10 lbs and roosters 10-12 lbs. They are an autosexing breed laying an extra large egg that is a darker orangish brown. They are a gentle breed and none of our roosters have ever shown aggression toward us. We are NPIP. For more information email me at racie.mckee@outlook.com or call 509-429-2431.
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