Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

WA - Bielefelders

by Racie and Ethan McKee
(Brewster, WA, USA)

Bielefelder hens

Bielefelder hens

Bielefelder hatching eggs, chicks, and sometimes juveniles and roosters. We select of breeders based on the German SOP. Bielefelders are a large breed fowl with hens 8 - 10 lbs and roosters 10-12 lbs. They are an autosexing breed laying an extra large egg that is a darker orangish brown. They are a gentle breed and none of our roosters have ever shown aggression toward us. We are NPIP. For more information email me at racie.mckee@outlook.com or call 509-429-2431.

Comments for WA - Bielefelders

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Jan 12, 2023
Showing Bielefelders
by: Anonymous

Does anyone know if Bielefelder chickens are being considered to be added to APA? We would love to start a flock, but we are also trying to get started showing chickens with my young 4-Hers, so we are sticking to APA recognized breeds for now.

Feb 18, 2018
Rooster NEW
by: Jason Earls

We lost our rooster at the beginning of the week to something. If anyone is interested in selling a mature rooster please let me know.please email at jearls57@gmail.com

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