Honley Showfield
For more information, contact:
Hayley Lockwood
36 Bilham Road
Clayton West Huddsersfield HD8 9PA
Tel: 07932
For current date and for other U.K. poultry shows,
Show Secretaries: Please send current catalog files to poultryshowcentral@gmail.com so it can be added to this page. PS Do not use this email to request a catalog.
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Never stop learning! Check out these helpful pages:
While snakes don’t pose as much of a threat to adult chickens as a Coyote or Fox, they can still make a meal out of your chickens’ eggs.
To start, define what you're looking for in an Australorp. I'm looking for a very healthy, fast maturing, dark colored bird with excellent body and tail angle.
Learn all the secrets to success for every backyard chicken keeper, whether you've been keeping chickens for years or are just getting started.
Information on the Lindsay Exhibition
Information on the Lindsay Ag Society Fur & Feather, Seed & Plant Sale
Lemon Cuckoo Orpington eggs and SR chicks NOTE: I do not ship Chicks, local sales only. I always seem to have a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington Rooster that