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Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Muscovy Ducks For Sale
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Muscovy Duck Central

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OH - Muscovy Ducks and Ducklings 
We have Muscovy ducks and ducklings for sale. Adults birds are gray, gray/white, and black and white. Adult age from 2 years to 8 months. Ducklings are …

NY - Muscovy Ducklings  
The ducklings currently are one to three weeks old. They are a mix of chocolate, blue, black, and white. I live in very northern New York very close …

NY - Muscovy ducklings and some adult males located in upstate NY 
We are located near original Woodstock sight. We have Muscovy ducklings and some adult males for sale. If interested please call Pam 8454286067 Thanks

MO - Muscovy Ducks for sale male and female 
Colors include: white/silver, brown/white, eyes are blue and teal. Chicks: unsexed: $8 Female Adolescent and adult: > six months: $25 hatched 6/11/2021 …

FL - Muscovy and Pekin Ducks 
White, Silver, Lavendar, Chocolate, Iridescent Green and Blue, and mixed color Muscovy ducks, white Pekins, mixed pekin muscovy ducks. We free-range our …

MS - Fancy Muscovy ducks and ducklings 
We have newly hatched ducklings most months from March-October. We breed for Color other than White or Brown (Chocolate). Our current Drakes are either …

CA - White French Muscovy Ducks 
All white muscovy ducks available in Humboldt county California. We have adult birds and baby birds available. The best option is to pre-order what you …

AR - Muscovy ducks for sale 
We have a small farm located here in the the Ozarks. (WILDCHERRY, ARKANSAS) We sell Muscovy ducks year round...If you are interested please contact Lisa …

WI - Muscovy Ducks, ducklings & hatching eggs 
We have many different color variations, such as, white, black, "wild", blue, chocolate, pied and lavender. We also have different patterns in these colors. …

CA - Muscovy Ducks for Sale 
Muscovy 6 month old Large ducks for sale Oakland California Ken Houston 5106905499 Call will send you Pictures

MO - Muscovy Ducks and Ducklings 
We have Black and White and all White Muscovy Ducks for sale. From Ducklings to Mature Ducks. Our Ducks are free ranged and raised around various types …

NJ - Black and Silver Blue Muscovy Ducks 
We sell black and silver blue Champion Muscovy Ducks. The lines are excellent and produce great show quality birds. We raise Black and Silver Blue Muscovies …

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What's New Around Here?

  1. IN - English Orpingtons - Hatching eggs and chicks

    Sutton Ridge Farm Check us out on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sutton.ridge.farm.2023 English Orpington hatching eggs BBS + Chocolate English
  2. Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City

    Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
  3. WI - Bearded silkie chicks

    Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,

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Someone's Looking for Birds! Can you help?

Click below to see what they're looking for. Please contact them if you can help them find it!

Wanted: Muscovy Female 
I am in southern NH and am looking for a adolescent or adult muscovy hen. My drake is lonely. Please contact rebhu7@gmail.com Thanks!

Wanted: Multiple Muscovy hens for my 2 Muscovy males in central Arizona to free range on land w/2 ponds. 
Hello. I am looking to buy multiple Muscovy hens for my 2 Muscovy males in central Arizona to free range on land w/2 ponds. I have not been able to find …

Wanted: Muscovy 
I am looking for a source to get a few Muscovy Hens. I have a drake and do not really want any more Drakes. My boy is very gentle and kind. we are looking …

Looking for 2 baby hen Muscovy  
I am looking to buy 2 baby hen muscovy. Prefer not to have black or black/white. Located by Galesville/Trempealeau. ourfamilydream@gmail.com thanks! …

Wanted: Muscovy ducklings. 
I am looking for Muscovy ducklings. I live in New Hampshire. You can reach me @ 603-275-6796 Tim

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