Updated Rogier Poultry Banner #2
Feather Lover Farms Banner June 2024

Quail For Sale

Photo Courtesy of Mark Rosen
Photo Courtesy of Mark Rosen

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There are Birds for Sale - Find a Breeder:

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IN - Bob White Quail 
I have northern bobwhite quails available at all ages. Please contact me if interested. 765-430-1171

OH - Coturnix Quail 
Coturnix Quail. Charles Judd (614) 209-1361. cjuddboyz@gmail.com

SC - Jumbo Coturnix Quail - Sandy Soil Farms 
Sandy Soil Farms specializes in Jumbo Coturnix Quail. We sell Adult Breeders, Juvenile Breeders, Chicks, and Hatching Eggs. Jumbo Brown Coturnix Quail …

IN - Mountain and California Valley quail available fall 2023 
Will have juvenile mountain and valley quail available fall of 2023. Express shipping from Indiana. Contact Andy. Text or call 812-202-0449 Email …

NC - Celadon Coturnix Quail Chicks and Hatching eggs 
Greetings! My name is Jessica and I raise True Blue Celadon Coturnix Quail. I have chicks and hatching eggs Chicks are $5/each Hatching eggs …

TX - Pine Heaven Gamebirds - quails and pheasants 
Selling eggs, juveniles and breeding stock. Taking custom orders for hatching chicks of a particular breed, 50% downpayment. Contact through www.pineheavengamebirds.com, …

SC - Sandy Soil Farms and Hatchery - Selling Coturnix Quail Hatching Eggs, Coturnix Quail Chicks and Adult Quail 
Sandy Soil Farms is a family run farm and specializes in producing Quail, Quail Hatching Eggs, Quail Chicks, and Pastured Poultry Products for our friends …

JUMBO QUAIL, STANDARD QUAIL Contact slowdawg99@gmail.com

CA - Gamble, snow flake and blue scale quail 
Gamble, snow flake, blue scale quail 669-899-368five

CA - Quail bird - baby 1 week, 4+ weeks and Adults 
Quail birds - baby 1 week olds, 4+ weeks and Adults, 100% organic quail eggs. Email Sbbdbb2019@gmail.com.

NE - Bobwhite Quail 
Hatched from own breeder stock eggs in large cabinet incubator, large sized bobwhite quail. We also raise pheasants (ringneck and melanistic). Deposit …

CA - Texas Blue Scale Quail  
Hank’s GameBirds LLC 9/20/2021 (This Not A Presale) hanksgamebirds@gmail.com Instagram (hanksgamebirdsllc) ($285.00) Texas Blue Scale Quail Pairs …

CO - Jumbo Coturnix Quail 
We are a breeder of fine quality japanese coturnix quail. Natural and Holistically raised just outside of Grand Junction, CO. Contact us at rootsfromeden@gmail.com …

NH - Coturnix Quail for Sale! Adults, Juveniles, Chicks 
We have Coturnix quail chicks, juveniles and adults for sale! Straight run on chicks and juveniles, breeding trio or quads on adults. Hatching eggs are …

MO - Northern Bob-white quail  
Here on our small Missouri farm, the whistle of the bob-white call is a familiar sound heard throughout the spring and summer months. We have been …

LA - T&K Gamebirds & Waterfowl  
We sell traditional serama, celadon, button, and butler bobwhite quail, Silver, Pied, & red chukar partridges, and some peafowl. WE also sell silver, Mexican …


TX - Quail For Sale 
COUNTRY QUAIL RUN Hunting, Training, Cutlery, Urban or Rural Quail Lovers and nutritional eggs. Absolutely No Medication or Antibiotics Bobwhite Flyers …

MI - Mearns/Montezuma Quail  
Mearns/Montezuma quail pairs and single males. Pairs are $500 shipped. Single males are $150 shipped. I am NPIP certified. Keith's Quail. www.facebook.com/keithsquail/ …

CA - Quails, pheasants, turkeys, ducks, chickens 
Hi there We have an array of different birds located in northern California. Contact me with any questions. 4088409281 Jen.campuzano1@gmail.com …

OH - Button quail  
I have multiple button quail available now with more colors available soon im in Oregon ohio nearby toledo ohio You can contact me via text or call at …

VA - Jumbo Brown Japanese Quail Chicks 
Jumbo Brown Coturnix Quail for sale! Coturnix (also called Japanese) quail are an excellent and inexpensive way to add eggs and meat production source …

AR - Quail Eggs for sale for 2021 season. Mountain, Gambel, Valley, Blue Scale, Tennessee Red, and Bobwhite 
Quail Eggs for sale for the 2021 season. Mountain, Gambel, Valley, Blue Scale, Tennessee Red, and White Bobwhite. May through July. Eddie Linebarger, Box …

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TX - Jumbo Brown Coturnix Quail Chicks 
I have jumbo brown coturnix quail chicks available. Asking $3 per chick. Local pickup only. Email me at coppertopacres18@gmail.com

FL - Button Quail 
Gregg L. Friedman MD Farms since 1989. We carry Button Quail, Peacocks, Pigeons, Turkeys, and Chickens. We are located at: Gregg L. Friedman MD Farms …

NC - Button quail available 
Contact Tammie at cspots@netzero.net I specialize in unusual and rare colors and patterns.

OH- Mearns Quail, Mountain Quail, and Benson Quail 
Presale is available now. Pairs can be shipped as early as Late June. Pairs and hatching eggs are shipped in order of full payment being received. Check …

OH - Coturnix quail hatching eggs and adult birds. We ship both! 
We sell all colors of corturnix quail hatching eggs and birds. Our varieties include Jumbo pharaoh, italians, english, panda, tibetan, tuxedo, and our …

OH - Mountain Quail Pairs 
Dont be caught in the last minute rush. Reserve your pair of Mountain Quail today. Call (216) 906-4586. Ask for Chad. Flew the Coop Hatchery

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What's New Around Here?

  1. Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City

    Information on the Michigan Bird & Game Breeders Assoc. Sale - Carson City
  2. WI - Bearded silkie chicks

    Show-quality gorgeous silkie chicks, some from exhibition lines. Straight run. Buffs, white, black, cuckoo, splash, chocolate, paint, some frizzles,
  3. NY - English Orpingtons Chicks and Fertile Eggs

    Chicks for pre-order; fertile eggs; sometimes roosters Local to Owego NY area Shipping available for fertile eggs The following English Orpington varieties:

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Not Finding the Birds You're Looking For?

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Someone's Looking for Birds! Can you help?

Click below to see what they're looking for. Please contact them if you can help them find it!

Wanted: California Quail / Valley Quail hatching eggs or chicks 
I'm looking to buy 5-6 California/Valley Quail chicks or about 10 hatching eggs. I'm located in Syracuse, NY. You can contact me at majszelek@gmail.com …

Wanted: Blue Breasted Chinese King Quail 
Located in NC, USA. Looking for blue breasted chinese king quail. I'd like several male and female live chicks. Any leads to sellers/shippers are appreciated, …

Wanted: Gambel, valley, scale quail or any quail with head plumage 
Looking for quail species such as Gambel, valley, or scale. Or any quail species with a head plumage. Mostly looking for fertile eggs or chicks. Open to …

Wanted: California Quail 
I am located in Will County Illinois, and am looking California quail. We recently had a bad experience with incubation and prefer 6-12 live chicks/young …

Wanted: European (Coturnix Coturnix) quail 
I am going crazy trying to find simple European (Coturnix Coturnix) quail! https://animalia.bio/common-quail?custom_list=734 There are thousands in …

WANTED: Adult Female Coturnix Quail  
We are a family of six, with a backyard hobby farm and are looking for full grown female coturnix quail. We hatched several chicks this summer and …

Wanted: Tennessee Red Quail 
Located in South Carolina close to Georgetown. need 100 mid- June and 500 mid-Sept. Willing to buy 1000 mid-Dec.

Wanted: California Valley Quail eggs or chicks 
I am currently looking for some California Valley quail eggs and/or chicks. I am located in Texas and you may contact me by email : tatumlynch12@gmail.com …

Wanted: Jumbo coturnix quails 
Hi! I'm looking for about 10 female & 2 male jumbo coturnix quails near Edison, NJ My email: gkuan77@gmail.com

Wanted: Tuxedo Button Quail 
I put finch aviaries in nursing homes and maintain them. currently I am looking for some Tuxedo buttons. The clients are crazy about them- they call them …

Wanted: Female Coturnix quail 
Looking for female Coturnix quails for sale. Live in Tennessee. Email me @ aflack_4444@yahoo.com Thank you!

Wanted: Female jumbo coturnix quails 
Hi! I'm looking for about 6 female jumbo coturnix quail near New Brunswick, NJ. Email is echelonx@gmail.com

Wanted: Button Quail Chicks 
Looking for around a half-dozen Button Quail Chicks. Located in DFW, TX. Can be reached by email: LookN4Quail@outlook.com

Wanted: California quail- Flight ready  
I am looking for flight ready California quail. (30 females & 30 males). I am located in Dallas Texas. Willing to drive anywhere in the U.S or have them …

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