How did you do?
- How
long do chicken eggs need to be incubated before they hatch? 21 days
- How
long do duck eggs need to be incubated before they hatch? 28 days
- How is
avian blood different from human blood? Avian is nucleated (There is a nucleus inside every blood cell)
- What
chicken disease causes tumors and is a form of cancer in chickens? Marek's Disease
- What
is the tip of a duck’s bill called? Bean
- Name
three external parasites common to chickens? Mites, Lice and Ticks
- What
is the eggshell’s primary component? Calcium Carbonate
- Which
is older, a hen or a pullet? Hen
- Which
is older, a cock or a cockerel? Cock
- What
is the oldest breed of chicken? Red Jungle Fowl
- How
many turkey classes are there? 1 - The turkey class
- Name
three varieties of guinea fowl. White, Pearl, and Lavender
- What
is plumage? Feathers on a bird
- Which
breeds of chickens can be frizzled? All breeds can be frizzled
- Name
the four main parts of an egg. Shell, Albumen, Yolk, and the Membranes
- What class is the Buff Orpington bantam in? S.C.C.L. (Single Comb Clean-Legged
- What
is a crop and what is it used for? A crop is a storage pouch used to store food until it is digested.
- Do
chickens tend to be cannibalistic? Yes
- Which
breed of chicken is most commonly used for commercial egg production? Single Comb White Leghorn
- What
are the three classes of geese? Light, Medium, Heavy
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I frequently get asked about bringing in new blood to their flock. These questions usually get asked by new breeders.
Preparing your showbirds for a show and breeding requires a healthy feed ration.
Keep your chickens healthy with a nutritious balanced feed and plenty of water.
This ancient breed dates back to the mid-1600s. Their distinctive downward curved bill gives them a Roman Nose appearance. The origin remains unknown to
- Feather Valley farm on Facebook Feather_Valley_Farm on Instagram NPIP can ship. Hatching eggs and chicks.
I am seeking out of print, breed club specific books: The Dutch Bantam 100 years of history. Nankin Bantam Older APA Standards books: 44th edition